Furniture cleaning
We use natural materials before chemicals to clean and polish furnitureEnvironmentally friendly cleaning products have revolutionized the ways of cleaning the home and furniture, as many have begun to search for natural home and furniture cleaners to use instead of industrial cleaning products that are harmful to health and the environment. You can clean the furniture with natural materials using ingredients found in every kitchen, such as baking soda, white vinegar, lemon, and others.
Cleaning furniture with natural materials
Upholstery and furniture stains are among the most difficult stains that can be removed using natural cleaning materials, as this type of stain may make the house look unclean.
You can remove juice, ketchup, food or coffee stains using soda or soda water and a clean cloth.
As for cleaning the sofa from various pet stains, it may require the use of somewhat strong natural cleaning materials such as vinegar, as it removes stains, kills bacteria, and gets rid of the unpleasant odor.
Wood cleaning with natural materials
If you have a lot of wooden furniture in your home, buying industrial furniture cleaning products can be expensive, not to mention that it may be harmful to the environment. Instead, you can use one of these recipes to clean wood with natural, environmentally friendly materials.
Mix some lemon juice with vinegar and a little flaxseed oil.
Mix a little olive oil with white vinegar and a tablespoon of lemon juice.
Use a soft, clean cloth to rub this natural furniture cleaner into the wood, and remember that these recipes are for treated wood, not painted wood.
Natural recipes for polishing wooden furniture
Wooden furniture adds a beautiful touch to home decor, and it can make the home look elegant and simple, especially if the wood is shiny and clean. There are several natural recipes for polishing wooden furniture that you can use:
Painted wood: Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 1 cup of water.
Unpainted wood: Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 1 cup of olive oil or jojoba oil.
Spray this all-natural wood polish on your furniture and use a soft cloth to wipe it off, and once you're done, brush off any residue with cornmeal.
If lemon is not available, you can replace it with vinegar, as both lemon and vinegar are effective for cleaning wood, while oil polishes wood.
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